Menopause and Cancer

Information about Menopause and Cancer

Cancer treatments such as surgery, radiation therapy and systemic anti-cancer therapy (SACT) can cause early menopause.  The menopausal symptoms induced by cancer treatment are likely to be harsher and last longer than a natural menopause. Common symptoms include, hot flushes, night sweats, mood changes, low self-esteem, sleep disturbances, tiredness, vaginal dryness and discomfort. 

Measures that help patients to manage these symptoms include information in relation to lifestyle, physical activity, diet, psychological support, non-hormonal therapy and hormonal therapy.  Pharmacological interventions are managed according to the patient’s disease type.


EMPOWER is a survivorship programme for people impacted by menopause following cancer treatment.


Empower – Menopause and Cancer Survivorship pathway is an eight week in-person and online survivorship group programme for those impacted by menopause following cancer treatment such as chemotherapy, surgery or radiotherapy.  Participants watch pre-recorded modules by expert contributors covering topics including how to manage menopause symptoms, such as fatigue and brain, lifestyle, nutrition, the losses associated with menopause, intimacy and sexuality. Expert contributors address the physical, emotional and psychological symptoms of menopause induced by cancer treatment.

Participants will also spend time with other’s with similar experiences for support. This interactive peer group element aims to provide an open and safe environment, where participants can come together to join in group discussions following each of the weekly sessions. It is a place for people to share their experiences, feelings and knowledge, with the confidence that everything said is confidential.

The aim of the programme is to:

  • Deliver a supportive programme to help people self-manage the impact of  menopause following/alongside cancer treatment
  • Provide peer support to reduce isolation
  • Provide a resource portal for access to resources in their own time

The programme is run over 8 weeks with a 2 hour a week commitment. It is currently being delivered in ARC Cancer Support Centres and can be accessed by using the link below:

The NCCP will be expanding the delivery of the programme to more Community Cancer Support Centres in 2025.



Last Updated 14/01/2025